Server Information (HR)

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Behemoth Reloaded is a private server, but it's also a great project, and we do our best to make our server a fun and enjoyable place to be for everyone. We have a plethora of custom content, which we make sure is balanced, in order to make it our own special RO world along with many quality of life improvements.

Server Rates

Max Base & Job Level 255 / 100
Max Stats 255
Max ASP 196
Instant Cast 150 (Dex)
EXP Base Level 8000×
EXP Job Level 5000×

Game Mode

Pre-Renewal Status content (defined as all content after Satan Morroc)
is customized for Pre-Renewal mechanics and gameplay
Classes Available
  • Primary Job' Max Level is 99/50
  • Second Job' Max Level is 99/50
  • Super Novices' Max Level is 255/100
  • Transcendent Job' Max Level is 255/100
  • No 3rd classes

Guild Ascendancy

Guild Masters will now proudly display a distinct symbol above their heads, denoting their leadership role within the guild. This symbol will serve as a badge of honor, easily recognizable to all members of your guild and the wider community. Embrace your leadership role and lead your guild to victory with pride! More info here

Point System

Play MORE, Earn MORE! Brace yourself for an immersive journey where every second spent in the game is a heartbeat in a thrilling symphony of rewards. As you traverse the digital realm, a mesmerizing transformation unfolds - earn a dazzling 1 Cash Point every 1 hour, a testament to your unwavering dedication.

Custom NPCs and Quality of Life Improvements

Healer All towns have a healer who Heals, and provides a Agility Increases , Blessing and more
Job changer facilitates easy class changes for adventurers.
Reset Master offers a service to reset both stats and skills for characters seeking a fresh start.
Universal Rental falcons, carts and peco peco for convenient.
Platinum Skill grants additional abilities specific to the chosen job class.
Warper teleports players directly to dungeons and instances across the midgard
Stylist offers a wide array of custom palettes for you to choose from
Consumable Item Box converts Yggdrasil Berries and Seeds into a box for convenient storage
Gold Room farm gold as you desire, which can then be converted into zeny.
WOE information NPC provides details on the schedule and can warp you to active castles during War of Emperium
Plagiarism NPC to teach rogue their skill to copy instead of requiring a player to give you the skill
PvP Room & Ladder board instant teleportation to PvP battlegrounds. tracks and displays rankings for the top players based on their performance in PvP battles.
Punching Bag allows players to test their damage output and customize its properties for evaluation
Hunting Mission assigns random quests of varying difficulty levels.
Costume Enchantment Enhancing Costume Gear with a random stat bonus
Armor Enchant Enhancing armor with a random stat bonus (STR/AGI/VIT/INT/DEX/LUK)
Shield Enchant Enhancing Shield with a random stat bonus
Zeny to Coupon exchanger zeny for coupons and vice versa
ESG to RGR Emblem of the Sun God (ESG) to Reload Generosity Receipt (RGR)
RGR to cashpoints Covert Reload Generosity Receipt (RGR) to cash point and vice versa
Pets Loyal who boosts pet loyalty and skills, requiring an Emblem of the Solar God to access their enhancements.

Costume Quest NPC

Costume Items Choose your preferred item from our catalog to create over 100 Costumes
Sword Costume Choose the style of sword that fits your character build and looks
Costume Weapon change the looks of the weapon of the character
Glorious Weapon a powerful weapon for the PvP
Armory Master variety of armor, accessory and weapons
PvP Weapon variety of armor, accessory and weapons
Weapon Class A Sells exclusive Weapon Class A gear to skilled adventurers
Weapon Class S Sells a variety of high-quality Weapon Class S gear
Gate Keeper Guards the entrance to Eldritch Moonforest, ensuring only those worthy may pass.
Sandstorm Sage Kazeem allowing you to use the Bloody Branch to spawn MVP monsters.
Mystic Card Unsealer Trades sealed cards for unsealed ones, offering unique and rare card enhancements.
Gachapon Provides a chance to win rare items and rewards through Gacha.

Instance NPC

Automated Event

Custom Item

Reload Generosity Receipt reward point in our game where players earn points by playing.
Badge of Peerless Warrior an esteemed reward in our game, earned through various impressive feats
Bojex Game Pass essential for acquiring costume items that require. convert Reload Generosity Receipt points
Gcash Coin Rarely dropped from MVP monsters, this digital feature gives you random coins worth 1, 2, 5, 100, or 500 to trade with NPCs for exclusive items and convert into real money


War of Emperium Information

War of Emperium Schedules

Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Time None None None None None None None

Guild Castle Status

Castle Locator
War of Emperium Classic War of Emperium 2
Castle Number Name Entrance Status Castle Number Name Entrance Status
Valkyrie 1 Kriemhild (131, 65) Nidhoggur 1 Himinn (293, 90)
Valkyrie 2 Swanhild (240, 126) Nidhoggur 2 Andlangr (288, 258)
Valkyrie 3 Fadhgrindh (153, 139) Nidhoggur 3 Vidblainn (97, 183)
Valkyrie 4 Skoegul (109, 240) Nidhoggur 4 Hljod (137, 98)
Valkyrie 5 Gondul (210, 240) Nidhoggur 5 Skidbladnir (65, 315)
Balder 1 Bright Arbor (121, 235) Valfreyja 1 Mardol (155, 274)
Balder 2 Sacred Palace (293, 116) Valfreyja 2 Cyr (78, 47)
Balder 3 Holy Shadow (321, 293) Valfreyja 3 Horn (68, 150)
Balder 4 Scarlet Palace (140, 158) Valfreyja 4 Gefn (289, 347)
Balder 5 Bamboo Groove Hill (204, 268) Valfreyja 5 Badanis (287, 107) ✔️
Britoniah 1 Repherion (212, 75)
Britoniah 2 Eeyorbriggar (308, 241)
Britoniah 3 Yesnelph (141, 240)
Britoniah 4 Bergel (195, 279)
Britoniah 5 Mersetzdeitz (307, 84)
Luina 1 Neuschwanstein (49, 81)
Luina 2 Hohenschwangau (95, 251)
Luina 3 Nuernberg (142, 83)
Luina 4 Wuerzburg (241, 242)
Luina 5 Rothenburg (261, 90)

Disabled Skills on WOE

  • The follow skills cannot be cast within castles and no effect:
    • Assumptio
    • Basilica
    • Cultivate Plant
    • Endure effect (still gives to you +10 MDEF bonus)
    • Ice Wall
    • Snatch
    • Teleport
    • Warp Portal
    • Deluge

Player @Commands

Command Description
@commands Displays a list of @ commands available to the player.
@time  @refresh  @warp etc.
@time Displays the local server time, along with day/night information.
@refresh Synchronizes the player's position on the client with the one stored on the server.
@warp <map> {<x> <y>} Warps to the specified map. If no coordinates are entered, a random location will be chosen.
@jump {<x> <y>} Warps to the given coordinates on the current map. If no coordinates are entered, a random location will be chosen.


 @jump 123 123 or @jump
@iteminfo <item name/ID> Displays item information (type, price, weight, drops).


@iteminfo Jellopy

Item: 'Jellopy'/'Jellopy'[0] (909) Type: Etc. | Extra Effect: None
NPC Buy:6z, Sell:3z | Weight: 1.0
- Maximal monsters drop change: 75.00%
@whodrops <item name/ID> Displays a list of mobs which drop the specified item. Only the highest drop rates are shown.
@autoloot {<%>} Enables or disables autolooting items from killed mobs. If a percentage is given, only items dropped at that rate and below will be autolooted.
@alootid <+/- item name/ID>
@alootid reset
Starts or stops autolooting a specified item. Typing "reset" will clear the autoloot item list. By default, 10 items can be autolooted at one time.
@whereis Displays the maps in which monster normally spawns. This does not include mobs summoned by scripts.
@request <message> Sends a message to all connected GMs (via the GM whisper system).
@mobinfo <mob name/ID> Displays monster information (rates, stats, drops, MVP data).


@mobinfo Poring

Monster: 'Poring'/'Poring'/'PORING' (1002)
Lv: 1 HP:60 Base EXP:27 Job EXP:20 HIT:103 FLEE:183
ATK:8~9 Range:1~10~12 Size:Medium Race:Plant Element:Water (Lv:1)
 - Jellopy 70.00% - Knife[4] 1.00% etc...
@storage Opens your Kafra storage.
@storeall Places all inventory and equipped items directly into your Kafra Storage.
@go {<location name/ID>} Warps to predefined locations in major cities. If no ID is given, all available maps will be displayed in the chat window.

All towns will be displayed: chat Box

@changegm <guild_member_name> Changes the guildmaster of your guild to another member. You must be the guildmaster to use this command.
@autotrade Allows you continue vending offline, then logs off. The character will continue vending until you log in to that account again, all items are sold, or the mapserver closes.
@duel {<duel participant count>}
@duel {<player name>}
@invite <player name>
Duel-organizing commands. When specifying the participant count accepted values are 2 ~ 65535.
@feelreset Resets a Star Gladiator's marked maps. Only works on Star Gladiator and Star Emperor classes.
@hatereset Resets a Star Gladiator's marked monsters. Only works on Star Gladiator and Star Emperor classes.
@breakguild Breaks the guild of the attached character. You must be the guildmaster to use this command.
@changegm <guild_member_name> Changes the guildmaster of your guild to another member. You must be the guildmaster to use this command.
@guildstorage Opens your guild storage.
@pettalk <message> Command what the player's pet will say.